Workshop "Integrating European Census Microdata - I"

Barcelona, 25th-27th July 2005

Organized by Minnesota Population center and Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics

Workshop Goals

  • Assemble microdata and documentation for each census and country
    • a) Table 1 is to be used to as a shipping record of microdata and documentation entrusted to the project.
    • b) Table 2 describes, for each country, the censuses to be harmonized and the corresponding microdata to be entrusted to the project.
    • c) Table 3 lists the variables available in each census.
  • Discuss methodologies and procedures of the IPUMS project.
  • Discuss major harmonization issues for each country, census-by-census, question-by-question, concept-by-concept, code-by-code.
  • Address questions and concerns regarding all aspects of the project.
  • Lay the foundation for pan-European networking activities regarding census microdata harmonizatio n, development of samples, and associated activities.

Agenda and Presentations

Monday, July 25 - Hotel Calderón. Rambla de Catalunya, 26

09:00 - 10:30h IPUMS-International workshop for non-European participating countries:

  • Ms Abla Salah Afify Saleh (Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics): Egypt.
  • Ms Sigalit Shmueli (Central Bureau of Statistics): Israel.
10:30 - 11:00h Coffee break.

11:00 - 12:00h

  • Mr Stepan L. Mnatsakanyan (National Statistical Service): Armenia.
12:00 - 16:00h Arrival, greeting of participants, payment of flight expenses and perdiems

17:00 - 19:00h Opening Session The IPUMS-Europe project: challenges and methods.

19:00h Welcome. Reception for Participants and Guests (Hotel Calderón).

Tuesday, July 26 - Hotel Calderón. Rambla de Catalunya, 26

09:00 - 10:45h Session 1: country presentations.

  • Ms Adelheid Bauer (Statistics Austria): Austria.
  • Ms Halina I. Hasiuk (Ministry of Statistics and Analysis): Belarus.
  • Mr Gabor Rozsa (Hungarian Central Statistical Office): Hungary.
  • Dr Victor Dinculescu (National Institute for Statistics, INSSE): Romania.
10:45 - 11:15h Coffee break.

11:15 - 13:30h Session 2: country presentations.

  • Ms Andrea Harausz (Research Data Center, Federal Statistical Office): Germany.
  • Mr Wijnand Advokat (Statistics Netherlands): Netherlands.
  • Dr Fernando Gil (Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics): Spain.
  • Dr Edward Fieldhouse (Manchester University): United Kingdom.
13:30 - 16:00h Lunch.

16:00 - 17:45h Session 3: country presentations.

  • Mr Stefanos Giakoumatos (National Statistical Service of Greece): Greece.
  • Mr Danilo Dolenc (Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia): Slovenia.
  • Ms Meryem Demirci (State Institute of Statistics): Turkey.
17:45 - 18:15h Coffee break.

18:15 - 19:00h Session 4: Demo: How Reserchers Use IPUMS.

  • Mr Antonio López (Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics): Using the documentation.
  • Dr Robert McCaa (University of Minnesota): Making an extract.
  • Dr Matt Sobek (Minnesota Population Center): Statistical analysis.
19:00h End of the working day (Participants are invited to dine al various restaurants throughout the city).

Wednesday, July 27 - Hotel Calderón. Rambla de Catalunya, 26

09:00 - 10:45h Session 5.

  • Round Table: Harmonization, anonymization and dissemination issues.
  • Dr Anna Cabré (Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics): Chair.
  • Dr Patrick Festy (Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques, INED): Comments.
  • Dr Robert McCaa (Minnesota Population Center): Comments.
10:45 - 11:15h Coffee break.

11:15 - 13:00h Closing session: the next steps.

  • Dr Miriam King (Minnesota Population Center): Users and uses of IPUMS-International.
  • Mr René Saa Vidal (INE Chile): Beyond IPUMS: GdIS, a Geo-Demographic Information System based on integrated census microdata-a producer's comments.
  • Dr Albert Esteve (Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics): Future Workshops.
13:00h City Tour (meet in the hotel lobby. Lunch included).

Funded by

European Community Sixth Framework Program, Coordinating the Integration of the European Census Microdata, CIECM, Grant No. 515829.
National Institutes of Health, IPUMS-Europe, Grant HD047283
National Science Foundation, IPUMS-International, Grant SB9908380