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Workshop "Integrating European Census Microdata - I"
Barcelona, 25th-27th July 2005
Organized by Minnesota Population center and Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics
Workshop Goals
- Assemble microdata and documentation for each census and country
- a) Table 1 is to be used to as a shipping record of microdata and documentation entrusted to the project.
- b) Table 2 describes, for each country, the censuses to be harmonized and the corresponding microdata to be entrusted to the project.
- c) Table 3 lists the variables available in each census.
- Discuss methodologies and procedures of the IPUMS project.
- Discuss major harmonization issues for each country, census-by-census, question-by-question, concept-by-concept, code-by-code.
- Address questions and concerns regarding all aspects of the project.
- Lay the foundation for pan-European networking activities regarding census microdata harmonizatio n, development of samples, and associated activities.
Agenda and Presentations
Monday, July 25 - Hotel Calderón. Rambla de Catalunya, 2609:00 - 10:30h IPUMS-International workshop for non-European participating countries:
- Ms Abla Salah Afify Saleh (Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics): Egypt.
- Ms Sigalit Shmueli (Central Bureau of Statistics): Israel.
11:00 - 12:00h
- Mr Stepan L. Mnatsakanyan (National Statistical Service): Armenia.
17:00 - 19:00h Opening Session The IPUMS-Europe project: challenges and methods.
- Dr Anna Cabré (Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics): Welcome.
- Dr Robert McCaa (University of Minnesota): Project goals, organization, calendar.
- Dr Matt Sobek (Minnesota Population Center): IPUMS-International integration methods and value added enhancements.
- Dr Albert Esteve (Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics): IPUMS-Europe documentation and website.
- Discussion.
Tuesday, July 26 - Hotel Calderón. Rambla de Catalunya, 26
09:00 - 10:45h Session 1: country presentations.
- Ms Adelheid Bauer (Statistics Austria): Austria.
- Ms Halina I. Hasiuk (Ministry of Statistics and Analysis): Belarus.
- Mr Gabor Rozsa (Hungarian Central Statistical Office): Hungary.
- Dr Victor Dinculescu (National Institute for Statistics, INSSE): Romania.
11:15 - 13:30h Session 2: country presentations.
- Ms Andrea Harausz (Research Data Center, Federal Statistical Office): Germany.
- Mr Wijnand Advokat (Statistics Netherlands): Netherlands.
- Dr Fernando Gil (Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics): Spain.
- Dr Edward Fieldhouse (Manchester University): United Kingdom.
16:00 - 17:45h Session 3: country presentations.
- Mr Stefanos Giakoumatos (National Statistical Service of Greece): Greece.
- Mr Danilo Dolenc (Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia): Slovenia.
- Ms Meryem Demirci (State Institute of Statistics): Turkey.
18:15 - 19:00h Session 4: Demo: How Reserchers Use IPUMS.
- Mr Antonio López (Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics): Using the documentation.
- Dr Robert McCaa (University of Minnesota): Making an extract.
- Dr Matt Sobek (Minnesota Population Center): Statistical analysis.
Wednesday, July 27 - Hotel Calderón. Rambla de Catalunya, 26
09:00 - 10:45h Session 5.
- Round Table: Harmonization, anonymization and dissemination issues.
- Dr Anna Cabré (Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics): Chair.
- Dr Patrick Festy (Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques, INED): Comments.
- Dr Robert McCaa (Minnesota Population Center): Comments.
11:15 - 13:00h Closing session: the next steps.
- Dr Miriam King (Minnesota Population Center): Users and uses of IPUMS-International.
- Mr René Saa Vidal (INE Chile): Beyond IPUMS: GdIS, a Geo-Demographic Information System based on integrated census microdata-a producer's comments.
- Dr Albert Esteve (Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics): Future Workshops.
Funded by
European Community Sixth Framework Program, Coordinating the Integration of the European Census Microdata, CIECM, Grant No. 515829.National Institutes of Health, IPUMS-Europe, Grant HD047283
National Science Foundation, IPUMS-International, Grant SB9908380