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Workshop "Integrating European Census Microdata - II"
Paris, 7th-10th June 2006
Organized by Minnesota Population center, Centre Population et Developpement (CEPED), Institut National d'Études Démographiques and Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics P>
Workshop Goals
- Assemble microdata and documentation for each census and country.
- a) Table 1 is to be used to as a shipping record of microdata and documentation entrusted to the project.
- b) Table 2 describes, for each country, the censuses to be harmonized and the corresponding microdata to be entrusted to the project.
- c) Table 3 lists the variables available in each census.
- Report on the census microdata available to the project and briefly discuss major harmonization issues for each country, census-by-census, question-by-question, concept-by-concept, code-by-code. For an example please see:
- Discuss methodologies and procedures of the IPUMS project.
- Address questions and concerns regarding any aspects of the project. promote IECM database
Agenda and Presentations
Wednesday, June 7 - Ciel de Paris, 56éme étage Tour Maine Montparnasse, 33 avenue du Maine19:30h Registration and Welcome dinner:
- Patrick Festy (INED, Paris).
- Robert McCaa (MPC, Minnesota).
- Anna Cabré (CED, Barcelona).
Thursday, June 8 - INED, 133 bd Davout
09:30 - 11:00h IPUMS-Europe Progress Report. Patrick Festy, presiding.
- Robert McCaa (Minnesota Population Center): Global context and calendar.
- Albert Esteve (Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics): Status of microdata and documentation holdings.
- Matt Sobek (Minnesota Population Center): The IPUMS metadata system for comparing census questions and instructions.
11:30 - 13:00h Country report: microdata entrusted to project in 2005. Patrick Festy, presiding.
- Adelheid Bauer: Austria.
- Gabor Rosza: Hungary.
- Eric Shulte Nordholt: Netherlands.
- Victor Dinculescu: Romania.
14:00 - 15:30h Country report: Microdata forthcoming. Anna Cabré, presiding.
- Jaroslav Kraus: Czech Republic.
- Andrea Harausz: Germany.
- Fernando Casimiro: Portugal.
- Danilo Dolenc: Slovenia.
16:00 - 17:30h Location and geography variables. Anna Cabré, presiding.
- Albert Esteve (CED).
- Paolo Valente (Statistical Division, UNECE, Geneva): Comments.
Friday, June 9 - INED, 133 bd Davout
09:30 - 10:30h Economic variables. Deborah Levison, presiding.
- Albert Esteve (CED).
- Teresa Munzi (LIS, Luxembourg): Comments.
- Albert Esteve (CED).
- Jürgen Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik (ZUMA, Manheim): Comments.
12:00 - 13:00h Family and household variables. Deborah Levison, presiding.
- Albert Esteve (CED).
- Nico Keilman (University of Oslo): Comments.
14:00 - 15:00h Country reports: microdata in planning stage. Sabine Springer, presiding.
- Gustavo de Santis: Italy.
- Marcel Heiniger: Switzerland.
- Meryem Demirci: Turkey.
- Guy Desplanques (INSEE): Presentation.
16:15 - 17:45h Plans for the coming year by the CED and MPC teams. Sabine Springer, presiding.
- Albert Esteve (CED): IECM plan for coming year.
- Matt Sobek (MPC): Microdata.
- Miriam King (MPC): Users and uses of IPUMS-International.
- Patrick Festy (INED): Comments.
Saturday, June 10 - EHESS, 54 blvd. Raspail
09:00 - 13:00h IPUMS-International country reports: Census microdata and documentation to be integrated: Argentina, Bangladesh, Egypt, Guinée, Indonesia, Malawi, Mali, Niger, Rwanda, Sudan, Uganda.
Funded by
Minnesota Population Center (MPC): National Institutes of Health, IPUMS-Europe (Grant HD047283) National Science Foundation, IPUMS-International, Grant SES-0433654Centre d’Estudis Demográfics (CED): European Community Sixth Framework Program, Coordinating the Integration of the European Census Microdata, CIECM, Grant No. 515829.
Centre Population et Développement (CEPED)
Institut National d’Études Démographiques (INED)